Floriole (behind the scenes)

I’ve made no secret of my love of Floriole Bakery and was beyond excited when this long-time farmer’s market favorite announced plans to open a storefront. Imagine how I felt when the storefront was mere blocks from my office! If you are in Chicago and looking to find me, Floriole is a pretty good place to start. I’m proud to call myself a regular. I am so impressed with everything that Sandra Holl and her amazing team creates. Next time you are in town, stop by for a croissant and tell them Tim sent you. More on Floriole over at ReadyMade, but here are some behind the scenes photos of the bakery at work.

21 comments to “Floriole (behind the scenes)”

  1. i really love these photos, Tim. great work!

  2. I live at Webster & Halsted & STILL have not visited. It’s quite ridiculous. These photos put me over the edge though. I’m going to be sure to plan at date at Floriole over the 4 day weekend! Great photos!

  3. Thanks, Sarah!

  4. Yes, Christine! Go! You are in for a treat.

  5. Hurrah! Cannot wait to try whatever those decadant numbers being blowtorched are…! Yum yum yum…

  6. Those are some amazing lemon meringue tarts!

  7. I am impressed by the use of chains as pie weights. What an awesome and obvious idea!

  8. Renate, I totally agree about the chains! Brilliant idea and also so cool looking.

  9. Caroline Shields @ carolineskitchentable says:

    June 30th, 2010 at 10:21 am

    Love, love, love it!

  10. Your photos make me feel the dough, steel and heat. I’m imagining scents of yeast and butter, too. Thanks for the momentary out-of-body experience!

  11. Love the photos, Tim! Can’t wait for all your sour cherry bakes now (after reading your tweet)

  12. these behind the scenes photos make me want to hop on a plane & get over
    to this fab bakery…& …eat, eat, eat!
    the photos of the pie dough & steel links took me over the top!!

  13. Ohhhhh…it’s my dream to open a little bakery and, for some reason,I’ve been thinking about it non-stop lately. These photos are incredible…looks like a sweet, sweet place indeed. Thanks for sharing, and I’ll make a note next time I’m in Chicago…

  14. Those pies are gonna be huge! Do you know what kind they were? Sheesh, I’ve got to get some chains—dried beans totally do not cut it.

  15. Hey Kari, I think those were actually going to be the shells of the quiches they sell. They are these sort of deep dish magical quiches, really delicious.

  16. Beautiful post!

  17. Wow, so so cool! I am such a Floriole fan!

  18. AHHH, copper cannele molds! I must visit them soon :)

  19. Thanks so much for posting these pictures and for all the wonderful things you say about us at Floriole!

  20. Those little cannele molds in the first pictures are the most adorable things. Too bad I live half a country away from the bakery. I’d be there in a jiffy I didn’t.

  21. I went to Floriole on your recommendation, and I’d trade my right arm for their meringue recipe! The lemon tart was out of this world!

What do you think?