Thank You

Thank you!

I can’t say it enough. You wonderful people are responsible for my little site being named the Best Cooking Blog of 2012 by Saveur magazine. I am happy, and still a little shocked. I was already honored by my inclusion in the same category as Tara, Kate, Kimberley, Alaina and Cara— a group of bloggers that keep me inspired and energized to do what we do. Winning the prize was the cherry on top.

I will wear the crown well and make the next year even better than the last. Hopefully there are no sex scandals that force Helen Rosner to revoke my title.

And I promise I will post a recipe soon! Like, tomorrow.


ps. special high-fives to my friends Amelia and David for their wins! And if you haven’t already, take a look through all of the nominated blogs to find some new favorites.


48 comments to “Thank You”

  1. Congratulations! I really enjoy reading your blog and check it on a regular basis, thank you for doing it.

  2. Jessica says:

    May 3rd, 2012 at 7:25 pm

    Oh my goodness, congratulations! YOU DESERVE IT! Hope you are celebrating this weekend :)

  3. Melissa C says:

    May 3rd, 2012 at 7:28 pm

    Congrats!! So happy for you! Keep up the good work!!

  4. It couldn’t have happened to a nicer and more talented person. Many congratulations.

    So thrilled for you!


  5. Congratulations, Tim! You’re so deserving of the win. Your style, your prose, your recipes, your humor, your photography, and everything else I can’t think of at the moment are spectacular – every post brings me (humble, devoted reader) joy and inspiration. Well done!

  6. HOORAY! I love Lottie + Doof!

  7. Tim! This is so AWESOME…you are most deserving! Nothin but shuga from here on out! XO

  8. Yes! Congratulations!

    You and your blog certainly are something special. I am looking forward to the next year and more recipes that bring out the dark side of citrus.

  9. Congratulations!! Well deserved!
    I’m looking forward to what you’re gonna serve us up tomorrow!

  10. Felicidades! Couldn’t be more deserving.

  11. Congratulations. This is soo well deserved. Your blog is in my top three and guess what, the other two were awarded as well. Can’t be happier for all of you.

  12. Congratulations!!! It’s nice to see hard work and dedication acknowledged and rewarded. Time to celebrate. Thanks for your blog.

  13. What an honor, a true testament to your talent and the adoration of your fans :) Enjoy your success!

  14. You had my vote! Congrats Tim, what a lovely accolade.

  15. your site totally deserves it !!! once more, congrat!

  16. Congratulations again, Tim! I couldn’t be more delighted or honored to have been included in such a talented group of bloggers. Your blog has been an inspiration to me since I started mine. Cheers to you!

  17. Yahoo!!! So well-deserved!!

  18. Congratulations! I’ve loved your blog from the moment I set eyes on it!!!

  19. Thanks, everyone. The comments and votes mean a lot. xo

  20. Well done! While others have come and gone on my list of food blogs, Lottie + Doof remains a favorite. Glad to see that others think so, too! Congratulations!


  22. Well the Saveur people have very good taste! Many congratulations to a worthy and inspiring winner :-)x

  23. You’re the bomb, Tim! Congrats. Hope to see you at market tomorrow.

  24. Congratulations Tim! Well deserved!

  25. Congratulations! This blog is one of my favourite places to come to for inspiration and just a deep sigh of “ahhhh, that’s nice.” You definitely deserve that honour. I look forward to seeing what the rest of 2012 brings to this space!

  26. I read somewhere in the distant past that people don’t fall in love with the blogger/writer but the content and it’s benefits to the person reading. I’m not too keen on that thought. If I manage to find a voicoft hat is smart and/or intriguing or personable or someone I would like to have tea cakes with–then I’m hooked, and if they are sharing some fantastic recipes also–well surely a saveur food award is much MUCH deserved!

  27. Tim, you always keep things fresh, fun and clean for us. Your award comes as no big surprise. Congratulations.

  28. Carole Kurth says:

    May 4th, 2012 at 12:40 pm

    I too, love Lottie and Doof! Thank you for taking the time and sharing your passion for food with us. I may not have time to make the recipes, but I love to read about them, see the photos, and learn new things! YUM!


  29. Well deserved! Congratulations. The reward of good work is always….more work. (And hope there will be some little rests in between.) Your readers sure do appreciate it.

  30. Congratulations! You have a delicious blog. The accolades are well deserved. I enjoy your tasty posts.

  31. Congrats, sir! The black-and-red ribbon suits you. I couldn’t have lost to a nicer guy, or anyone more deserving. Well done.

  32. congratulations! you deserve it!

  33. So happy for you. Well deserved!

  34. Good for you! Thanks for introducing me to some of your favorite blogs. So many recipes, so little time…..

  35. Oh my, congratulations! I Love reading your blog! I just started one called “Dead Broke and Hungry” – check it out and tell me what you think. I put the url in the website addresses. Looking fiorward to more from you all.

  36. Yipeeee! Big hugs, SG

  37. congratulations. well deserved

  38. Great News! Congrats! Love to check in regularly and will certainly continue to do so.

  39. Ups, just missed the final decision…you definitely deserve the award!

  40. so well deserved! felt great to be able to vote for a site I genuinely love & trust. congratulations.

  41. Thanks for all of the nice messages, friends!

  42. Congratulations on a very well deserved award!

  43. Just read the news of your selection as best blog. That is aweplenty! (Awe-“some” ain’t nearly good enough for news like this.) Congratulations!

  44. Victoria says:

    May 9th, 2012 at 6:05 pm

    CONGRATULATIONS! It’s a well-deserved win! I love the blog and I bet we’ll be seeing you with next year’s award too!

  45. Congratulations. This is my favorite food blog and you deserve the award.

  46. So happy for you Tim!! XOXOXO

  47. tina holloway says:

    June 18th, 2012 at 7:09 pm

    Congratulations on this well derserved award!! I am a avid follower for about six months. I have been reading quite a number of blogs as I am about to lauch my own. I decided months ago this really is the best food blog out there. Just happy to confirm I was right!!!

  48. Lottie & Doof and Tim Mazurek are the best! The best blog, best recipes, best food, best photos, and best writing. I feel lucky to be counted as one of Tim’s ever-growing fan club, and belatedly celebrate this wonderful honor with you all! Congrats, Tim!

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