O’Keeffe Casual

While hanging out at a bar in Santa Fe we heard tell of a drink that was a variation on Ranch Water (tequila, lime, and sparkling water). It goes like this: Open an ice cold bottle of Topo Chico, take a swig, and fill the empty space with tequila and a wedge of lime. Walk out into the desert with your portable tonic, brilliantly dubbed an O’Keeffe Casual. Could this be the drink of summer?



6 comments to “O’Keeffe Casual”

  1. An O’Keeffe Casual? Uhhm…yes!

  2. Delightful. Yes indeed.

  3. Sounds PERFECT!

  4. Hahahahahahaha!! That second photo is brilliant.

  5. You’re on to something great! Topo Chico is the best and what can go wrong by adding tequila and a lime wedge?

  6. Looks like your swig allowed plenty of room for tequila. I’ll have to try it when I visit my friends in Taos.

What do you think?