Coffee. Waffles.

You need to make these. Add some sour cream to the whipped cream. And maybe sprinkle some flake salt over the whole business.

Recipe: Coffee-Flavored Belgian Waffles


3 comments to “Coffee. Waffles.”

  1. Did you get the sour cream to the whipped cream thing from Nancy Silverton? I did. And I LOVE it. So simple, and takes it next level. Coffee in a waffle sounds like just the kind of innovation I can get behind. and p.s. I like your freestyle (misshapen?) waffles better than theirs. And I’m not just saying that. :)

  2. Thanks, Carolynn! I like em weird. And yes, definitely learned the sour cream trick from Nancy.

  3. Okay, you had me at coffee AND waffles.

What do you think?