Lottie + Doof = !!!! (4)

Dear you,

This week we are celebrating four years (4!!!!) of Lottie + Doof. Where does the time go? I am celebrating by taking a break, and turning over this small piece of internet real estate to some of my favorite writers, photographers, eaters and makers. Over the next few days you will be visited by a wonderful mix of people, sharing and celebrating with you. It is going to be beautiful, delicious, weird and wacky. Think of it as a variety show, of sorts. It is a great line-up and I am excited to see it all unfold.

But before the show begins, I want to thank you. Where would I be without you?! Thanks for making this such a cool place to hang out. After four years, it seems like we’re off to a good start. I am looking forward to many more years of cooking together.

Enjoy the week—I’ll see you in the comments!

xo, Tim

22 comments to “Lottie + Doof = !!!! (4)”

  1. Congrats! It’s always a treat to see a new L + D post pop up in my Google Reader. Can’t wait to see what you have planned for the week.

  2. congratulations on 4 great years! Excited to see what contributors you have lined up. Enjoy the week off!

  3. Congratulations!

    To celebrate, I am making the Aurora Tart for the second time… As always, your detailed instructions and lovely photos are very, very appreciated!

  4. Ooooh! Elle- I forgot about that one, it is so good. Thanks, all, for the good wishes!

  5. That is awesome – hopefully many years of blogging to come. I look forward to your posts!

  6. Oh man, 4 years? That’s a lot! I’m amazed at the beauty and resourcefulness of the content each time a new post goes up, there’s so much to love! I’ve found some real favorites here, keep up the wonderful work!

    Greetings from Greece

  7. ooo a week of eating and making and sharing and baking – more like happy birthday to moi! happy blogging birthday, looking forward to the years ahead!

  8. i can’t wait!!
    four years! happy birthday to lottie + doof! :-)

  9. Four years…4 stars! Congratulations.I’m popping a cork over here for you!

  10. Congratulations, Tim! Your blog has served as an inspiration to me. I like the simple and clean layout and your elegant yet fun style of writing. You manage to teach the reader and give tips without coming through as intimidating. Hugs and here’s to loads of food coming out of your kitchen!

  11. Congrats! To many more!

  12. weird and wacky?! what could you be talking about!!?

  13. Tim,
    I am new to your blog, and am really enjoying it! I just celebrated my 4th year of blogging too, where would life be without food blogs????
    Congrats and keep up the great work!
    Stacey Snacks

  14. Whoot! Congrats, Tim: To one of my favorite corners of the internet. Here’s to 4 more! ~m

  15. Wow! 4 years. What dedication you have. Love your blog. I just made 7 jars of “Wild Hog Plum Jam” and wish you could taste it. Sweet, tart, brilliant dusky red….yum. Picked wild in the woods. Next will be “crab apple jelly” from the tree in my yard. Keep up the good life guys.

  16. Tim, you are the first blog i ever read…love all of it!! Thanks and keep it coming!!

  17. Thanks, friends! Love seeing all of your familiar names pop up here.

  18. I still get ridiculously excited every time a new entry on Lottie & Doof appears in my Inbox. Thank you for creating a consistently mouth-watering and eye-appealing virtual kitchen for us all to hang out in. Congratulations on your anniversary.

  19. Congratulations! Four years is a loooooonnnnngggg time in the blogging world. Really lovely work. Ken

  20. Congrats Tim!!!! 4 years!!!!! You go boy!!!!

  21. Hurrah! Cheers to you, Tim. And thank goodness for that rotating favorites list that reminds us of all your previous wonderful recipes. I love that there is so much to look through as well as forward to. Thanks!

  22. Brilliant! Wishing a very happy blogiversary to Lottie+Doof.

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